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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 22:30

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Top 10 the best security tools to protect against ransomware

Top 10 the best security tools to protect against ransomware

In this article, we will introduce 10 of the best anti-ransomware tools that each user must have installed on their system to protect their files. These security products can prevent ransomware from entering your system. If you are concerned that financial documents or personal files may be lost forever as a result of a ransomware […]

What is the IEEE 802.11ay standard and why is it important?

What is the IEEE 802.11ay standard and why is it important?

The IEEE 802.11ay standard is the latest version of WiFi technology, which provides a much higher throughput rate than previous versions. Previous versions of Wi-Fi include 802.11ad, which was developed in 2012 and is the first multi-gigabit Wi-Fi technology. The 802.11ad standard uses millimeter waves to achieve high speeds, but its throughput and reliability are […]

The first WPA3-enabled programming kit for Windows 10 has been released

The first WPA3-enabled programming kit for Windows 10 has been released

The first WPA3-enabled programming kit for Windows 10 has been released Microsoft is not too eager to wait for the day when the WPA3 encryption standard is fully implemented. WPA3 is a standard introduced by the Wi-Fi Alliance after the KRACKed breach was identified. The Windows 10 programming kit provided by Microsoft contains functions that […]